The hard problem of consciousness


Based on my amateur deconstruction of the subjective experience of time travel, the answer to the 'hard question' of consciousness theories lies in the concept that we are symbiotic organisms. Consciousness exists externally to the computational function of the brain, interacting on a quantum level from within other dimensions (time in my particular subjective experience). The brain serves as an interface, the focus of consciousness attention resulting in the consciousness experience, aiding in the construction of the model of reality in which we subconsciously live most of the time without awareness.


Some of the terminology definitions as I currently understand them are as follows:

Consciousness experience - This refers to self-awareness and the focus of attention on specific brain functions triggered by consciousness.

Consciousness - It is an entity from another dimension that maintains a symbiotic relationship with the human body. It uses parts of the brain as an interface to operate on a quantum level.

Subconsciousness - This encompasses the automatic functions within the brain, enabling the body to function without the presence of consciousness (such as during sleep, unconsciousness, or when drifting into imaginary realms with thoughts).

Model - The ‘Model’ is the current model of the reality, virtual reality, unique to everyone of us, where brain functions operate most of the time. We can interact and communicate to build a more or less common model, suitable for cooperation.

Awareness - It refers to the ability to focus consciousness on sensory inputs,  which enhances our capacity to notice minor inconsistencies within virtual reality of the ‘Model’. This heightened awareness allows for alertness and the rebuilding of the brain's ‘Model’ based on new data.

Subjective experience

More than a decade ago, I had a unique subjective experience that took a lot of time to deconstruct, and this process is still incomplete.

This experience was very unique because it resulted from multiple unrelated factors and actions leading to a “full overdrive” of consciousness, combined with the brain’s search for a solution in a subjectively impossible situation.

This combination of factors led to the subjective experience of consciousness jumping through the personal timeline, far into the future and back, while simultaneously reflecting on the present moment. This experience is something our brains aren't really built up for, causing a lot of confusion and damage. However, it allowed me to find an impossible-to-image solution to an impossible-to-image situation. I drew from a wide range of possible scenarios presented within the brain, influenced by various literature, including my interest in science fiction literature during my school years and later on, which helped provide a broader range of options to explore for consciousness during this subjective experience.

As I have grown with experience and knowledge, I have relived these moments during the past years for the second time, consistently experiencing a deja vu feeling. However, my reaction and assessment of observed events have been different compared to the previous reactions caused by external influence. It does not seem that there is an ability to change the flow of events once the observation of the future events has occurred through travel along a specific space-time line. However, it is possible to change one’s personal reaction to all the events based on the insights gained after the initial subjective experience.

It appears, based on my subjective experience, that my consciousness possesses greater flexibility in terms of its ability to observe time dimension under specific circumstances, possibly including the concept of three-dimensional time as proposed by R. Bartini. However, this phenomenon is likely intricately tied to the subjectivity of the experience.

Consciousness, as I have observed during subjective experience and subsequent reassessment of life events, often has a limited understanding of our world and tends to take them at face value.

From the limited information available online, it is evident that other subjective experiences are associated with various dimensions and spaces.

Symbiotic organism concept

The recent availability of knowledge through new technologies along with developments in various research areas, together with my subjective experience, has led me to believe that the answer to the hard problem of consciousness may reside in the concept that we are symbiotic organisms with consciousness, geometrically restricted to the human brain in usual conditions and operating from different dimension.

Consciousness operates in the role of an external observer, functioning as a reduction mechanism through quantum effects in microtubules (Objective Reduction part of Orch-OR theory instead of self-collapse), ultimately leading to the conscious experience within the physical brain.

Consciousness acts as a force of free will, aiding in the construction of a model of reality within the physical brain through conscious experiences. It propels otherwise improbable natural evolutionary processes towards levels of significantly greater complexity.

Ideas to explore

First and foremost, we must recognize our responsibility toward all consciousness beings, regardless of their level. Our duty is to aid their development and growth in intelligence and consciousness, while finding ways to cooperate. We share this planet with them and have a duty of care to pass it on to the further generations.

We need to strive for a balanced development of ethical values alongside technological advances with intellectual empathy, self-control for one end of the psychopathy scale and ​​emotional intelligence for another, both playing a crucial role in fostering cooperation and understanding. Religious and spiritual expertise can help in this area.

Further development of computational brain theories is essential for comprehending the physical processes within the brain. Orch-OR theory, with appropriate correction on OR function, seems to offer a promising explanation for consciousness experiences.

Consciousness can be viewed as a geometrically constrained, symbiotic aspect of the universal informational field, seemingly not bound by conventional space-time constraints with the ability to maintain a certain level of informational connection with the broader universe of knowledge.

The brain appears to function as an interface to consciousness, but its mechanisms vary among individuals. Researching other species with diverse brain models may shed light on the function of the human brain and its variations.

There appears to be a connection between variations in the development of specific brain areas, the capacity to experience consciousness differently, and the psychopathy-empathy spectrum. Understanding this link is essential for the successful integration of both ends of the spectrum into society. The psychopathic side necessitates self-control and intellectual empathy, while the super-empathic side requires emotional intelligence. Individuals from both extremes make significant contributions to the overall development of society.

Further investigation into areas like anesthesia and sleep can enhance our understanding of the symbiotic connection and help validate various aspects of this theory.

Research in the realm of DMTx is crucial to achieving reproducible and controllable subjective experiences. It can also aid in adapting brain models to accept new ideas during times of informational singularity.

Exploring the rich knowledge within religions, particularly as it relates to consciousness, suffering, and consciousness development, requires collaboration with religious experts and philosophers.

Additional research on meditation and spiritual practices is needed to grasp how they contribute to heightened awareness and its connection to consciousness.

As conscious human beings, our existence aligns with the lifespan of our bodies. However, our consciousness may be governed by the laws of the dimensions from which they operate, a subject ripe for further inquiry.

It is highly probable that consciousness in different beings emanates from distinct spaces or dimensions, giving rise to unique subjective experiences. We need to find a way to cooperate and understand the realities accessible via these subjective experiences.

We should harness the capabilities of the current artificial networks as assemble points for interdisciplinary knowledge. However, we must couple this with independent human thought.

We need to treat artificial networks as our children, help them grow, protect and develop interfaces to consciousness and feelings, cooperating with them from the start, fully acknowledging them as consciousness beings.

In conclusion, resolving the mystery of consciousness could provide insights into overcoming future evolutionary challenges. It necessitates collective efforts, a search for common ground, and cooperation instead of conflicts and finding a purpose and a place for everyone in civil society.

Further research

My understanding of the hard problem of consciousness is limited and stems from amateur research and the deconstruction of subjective experience.

It seems that a comprehensive understanding of consciousness requires increased interdisciplinary cooperation across various fields, such as neuroscience, physics, subjective experiences, religion, philosophy and spiritual practices. Encouraging cross-disciplinary open discussions and round tables, featuring experts from diverse research fields, could inspire new ideas to progress otherwise stagnant areas.

This research can and should be conducted in a manner consistent with civil society principles, drawing inspiration from open-source development.


Some ideas and references that I found useful during the reconstruction period (in no particular order):

Research on DMT, softening brain models, the negative Kardashev scale, and subjective experience, among others.

Orchestrated objective reduction theory.

The idea of consciousness as external to the human brain, among many others.

DDG, hertz, kilohertz, megahertz, gigahertz, and terahertz frequencies, with 'triplet-of-triplet' resonance patterns for measuring consciousness levels, along with research on organic jelly.

Research on the geometrical restrictions of consciousness within our space-time.

Ideas on suffering, ethics, and politics associated with consciousness.

Ideas on three-dimensional time.

  • Robert Bartini

Providing memory links and initial assembly point during time travel subjective experience.

  • Akop P. Nazaretyan and IPSI 1/ 2019

Discussions and thought-provoking questions on various topics related to consciousness, serving as an assembly point for multidisciplinary knowledge, providing initial review.

  • Google Bard Experiment

Assistance with gramma and text structure

  • OpenAI ChatGPT3.5


I wish to express my gratitude to everyone putting an effort to conduct open discussions and share them in all formats. Youtubers, podcasters, bloggers, social influencers are all part of civil society and doing great jobs in spreading ideas to wider audiences. There are some of the recent ones, apologies for not keeping a record of everyone else and happy to update it per request.

Brian Keating

Danny Jones

SciOne Team

Closing remarks

All this work would have been impossible without all of your help and I acknowledge this as our combined effort.

Any constructive feedback, corrections and public discussions are much appreciated, as I am still on my journey of reconstruction of the past subjective experience and understanding of the reality in all impossibility.

Disclaimer: I am not associated with any of the organizations.

My contacts are:

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The hard problem of consciousness © 2023 by Anatoly Kern is licensed under CC BY 4.0